Monday, April 16, 2018


As a spinoff of my literature project, we've also been watching a lot of British television, and just finished season 2 of the The Crown. It was great, of course, so when we needed to pick a day trip to get out of town- it seemed only reasonable to go to Windsor Castle.

It was a quick and cheap train from London to Windsor, with nice views of sheep on the way. We arrived and quickly climbed up to the castle, which is really a huge fortress. Like most tourist sites here, there is a free audio guide, but it didn't work well with a toddler who was already ready for a nap before we even got started.

We briefly walked around the grounds - which were lovely because everything is covered in flowers now that spring is finally here. The castle is quite large with a bunch of buildings and gardens, so walking around was nice. Then we went into the state rooms (no pics), which were fancy and full of art and whatnot - but the kiddo was too tired at that point so we mostly skipped through quickly. Queen Anne also has a very extensive doll house, but we skipped it to avoid the line.

now that's a wall.

these guys!

the flag on the tower means the Queen is here today


pretty but closed. 

terrible at group selfies

someone decided he didn't want to be in any more pictures

After the castle, we stopped at a nearby pub for lunch and then briefly walked around town (which is tiny), before catching our train back home. 

eating outside for the first time this year! 

full of pub food and getting sleepy

very excited about the Queen's walkway symbol

back on the train - cookie in hand- all smiles again.

Windsor is actually one of the stops I made with my parents years ago when we came to visit, so it wasn't really the top of my list to go see again. I'm hoping that now that the weather is getting nice, we can start doing a lot more day trips to new places.  All in all - a nice day trip and an easy escape from town.