We ended up with 8 checked bags and 6 carryons, plus the stroller-- 'unwieldy' would be putting it nicely. We split up, leaving me with the bags and Spouse with the kid and the rental car. I quickly found one of the baggage guys with a huge cart, that just rolled me and all the bags to checkin, while he returned the car.
Once we got through security (which was one of the nightmares that kept me up at night), we were able to head straight to the lounge, one of the many benefits of flying business class. It was amazing, of course, and then it was time to board the plane.
watching the airplanes from the lounge
watching paw patrol and drinks in the lounge
On the plane, we each had our own pod. It was ridiculous. If I hadn't been watching him the whole time, it would've been amazing. No one slept for more than an hour or so, and then we landed.
his own pod to watch PawPatrol
just a little sleep was had
our little kitchen
living room (he's playing the harmonica)
a little dining room/office area
our room
he thinks our bathroom is an elevator
his room
We spent the weekend getting unpacked and settled. We took a couple short walks to get groceries and cat supplies. Then, as soon as we were getting a little under control, it was time for Spouse to start work and for us to be on our own.
So far, I've only been brave enough to go where we can walk. We've explored the playgrounds within a short walking distance, swinging by the grocery stores on the way home.
Thoughts so far:
- They only seem to have freeze-dried coffee. We need to find real coffee-- it's an issue.
- This kitchen is made for appearances only - there are knives, but no cutting board, and ovens, but no baking sheets. I would be disappointed that I can't cook, but the premade stuff in the grocery stores is pretty good.
- The closets are tiny - we can barely fit in the stuff we have, and our airship boxes aren't here yet.
- The weather is cold, drizzly, and gray - but about 20 degrees warmer than the DC weather we left. So that's nice, but not great for getting to know neighborhoods.
- On that note - the sun goes down around 4pm every day.
- The kid is still really jet lagged, so I'm hoping he (and I) can finally get turned around tonight.
- It's already starting to feel like maternity leave - I need to find adults/ a job.
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