In the basement- the electrical team continued to add outlets all over the place, and finished moving the panel upstairs. All week, we've been losing power to various parts of the house, so it's nice that now (almost) everything is back on. We had to go a couple nights without the air conditioner- and it's not something we want to do anymore.
new panel on the first floor is done
new beam between the dining room and kitchen
pantry comes down - view from the old porch
sleeping porch before - with old slat windows
current sleeping porch- framed and partially closed in with plywood
current view from the back of the house-- lovely, yes?
Most annoying thing so far - So the lack of laundry is still annoying, but this week the most annoying thing is the invasion of men into my morning. For years, I have had a morning routine that consists of oversleeping, showering, making breakfast, and then sitting quietly to watch the news while drinking coffee with at least one cat napping in my lap. It's an important part of getting centered and prepped for the day. Now that the contractors are in the house, my routine is totally out of whack. They are working in the kitchen before I can get downstairs, so I've been skipping breakfast and the news, and coming to work with wet hair. To make it worse, now cats have to be pinned into the front two bedrooms to stay out of the way of the workers in the house. They, of course, hate being confined, so now I'm spending extra time having to chase them down. The only good thing is that I'm getting to work earlier, so that's something.
the pantry has moved to the fireplace room
dust guards between the fireplace room and kitchen/dining room
the constantly growing pile of crap in the backyard.
Next Steps- A plumbing team will start in the basement, moving pipes up into ceiling and out of the way. The structural team will finish up the old pantry and frame the new half bath and add windows and doors. Upstairs, the team will install the new windows and start prepping for the new washer/dryer.